Blue Sky Tag Blogging Challenge

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Blue Sky Tag Blog Challenge

Hi everybody, my blog has been nominated for the Blue Sky Tag challenge by a fellow blogger Sparkleese. Thank you so much for the nomination Lisa. What this means is that I have to answer 11 questions about myself, pick 11 other blogs to nominate and give them 11 of my questions to answer.

Blue Sky Tag Blog Challenge

My Blue Sky Tag Answers

1. Why did you start blogging?

I‘ve always loved writing even as a child in elementary school. I used to keep a lot of journals but got out of the habit a few years ago. I’ve been thinking of starting a blog for a while but wasn’t sure what I wanted to write about or how to even go about starting one. Once I became self-employed I decided to finally take the plunge and start a blog about all the things I’m passionate about: marketing & social media, healthy living (recipes and health tips), healthy beauty, travel and fashion.

2. Unicorns or Mermaids?

Unicorns. I like horses because I think they’re so beautiful and wild and I really liked riding them. As a child I enjoyed reading fairy tales so a unicorn is just such a magical and gorgeous creature. I wish they existed or do they?

Blue Sky Tag Blog Challenge

3. What is your favorite meal to prepare?

I love to cook so I have a lot of go-to recipes. It’s hard to just pick one. But I guess if I have to pick just one it would be my amazing chilly. I’m going to be posting a recipe for it on the blog soon. And if you want to know what’s my secret ingredient to making a super tasty chilly check out this article about my favorite super spice.

4. Where is your favorite place to travel to?

Since I’m originally from Poland it’s always great to go back there. Growing up in Europe was amazing and I really miss it therefore I try to go back as often as I can. I’m always so surprised to see all the new things that have been built since I’ve been away. Besides family and friends what brings me back is all the old and beautiful architecture Europe has to offer. You just don’t see much of that here in North America. If you haven’t been to Europe I highly recommend you go. I’ll be writing a post about things to do in Poland on the blog soon so I hope you come back and check it out. If you don’t want to miss it make sure you sign up for the newsletter.

Blue Sky Tag Blog Challenge

Old Town Square – Warsaw, Poland

5. If you could have any super power, what would it be?

Invisibility. How absolutely cool would that be? I could literally go anywhere and I wouldn’t have to worry about how much it cost. I would just pick an empty seat on a plane and voila I would fly anywhere I wanted. One can dream.

6. What was the first concert you went to?

Aerosmith. I’m a rocker chick at heart. I love going to concerts. Even thought I had terrible seats at my first concert (second last row at the old Skydome) I still had a blast. I screamed so loud I pretty much had no voice left at the end of it.

Blue Sky Tag Blog Challenge


7. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how did it happen?

No, I haven’t broken any bones (knock on wood). My sister on the other hand has broken almost every possible bone in her body. I don’t know how that happened. It wasn’t me!!!

8. What is your best quality?

I‘m very loyal. I try to never let anyone I love down. I really appreciate true friends and loving family members and I will do anything for the ones I care about.

9. Do you have any hidden talents?

Not sure if you can call it a ‘talent’ but I can pretty much cry on cue. Why? Just because. I wanted to be an actress when I was young so I thought it would be a good skill to have. So I trained myself to cry in about 30 seconds. I think I can still do that.

10. What is the best advice you have ever received?

Follow your heart. You have to be satisfied with who you are and what you do otherwise you’ll never truly be happy. I try to live my life to the fullest as much as I can. Never waste time on things that aren’t important to you. Just do what you love and love the ones you’re with.

11. What is the first thing you would buy if you ever won a large amount of money?

I would buy my boyfriend a new car. He loves his old car but it’s slowly dying and it’s always a pain when something gets broken. If I had a lot of money I would buy him whatever car he wanted. It would probably be a Challenger. For me it doesn’t matter what car he drives as long as he’s safe but it wouldn’t be too shabby to go cruising in a cool looking car. And I would have some awesome pics for my Instagram.

Blue Sky Tag Blog Challenge

Dodge Challenger

Phew this wasn’t so hard. Now it’s your turn!!!

Blue Sky Tag Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Answer their 11 questions
  3. Nominate (tag) 11 people
  4. Give them 11 questions to answer

My Blue Sky Tag Nominations

  1. The Persistent Passport
  2. A Pint Sized Life
  3. Casey The College Celliac
  4. The Mellyboo Project
  5. Red Riding Hood
  6. Nikki’s Talk
  7. iliketodabble
  10. Inguaribile Viaggiatore
  11. Chaleels

My Blue Sky Tag Questions For You

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What is your passion in life?
  3. If you could travel anywhere in the word where would it be?
  4. Cats or Dogs?
  5. Summer or Winter?
  6. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done or you would like to do?
  7. If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things you would bring with you?
  8. If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be?
  9. What’s your favorite dessert?
  10. If you had all the money in the world what would be your biggest indulgence?
  11. What’s the best book you’ve read?

I’m looking forward to reading all of your answers. It’s really amazing to be able to connect with new people all over the world through blogging and to learn some great things about each other. I hope you check out these blogs for yourself.

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  1. sparkleese says:

    I love all your answers!!! This was so fun to read and I learned so much about you ?

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thanks so much for nominating me Lisa. This was indeed fun. I love to get to know other bloggers better! Have an awesome day 🙂

  2. Alix Maza says:

    Thanks for the tag! I’m writing my post now. 🙂

    Alix |

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Awesome Alix. Looking forward to reading it ?

  3. Chaleels says:

    Thank you for the nomination!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      You’re very welcome :). Looking forward to your post.

  4. abhinav says:

    That’s some question and answers. Good way to know a lot about you. Thanks for the share.

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thanks for checking out the article 🙂

  5. naughtyangels33 says:

    oh this is awesome! unicorns. i love them! my daughter calls them “hunicorns” lol

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Ha ha ha that’s so cute.

  6. GoodnightTheSkye says:

    Aerosmith look like they’d be so good live! I’m jealous I can’t lie!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      They’re definitely great live. Hope you get to see them one day!

  7. Martha DeMeo says:

    Now I know a bit more about you!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Yes indeed. Thanks for checking it out Martha.

  8. Qybare says:

    What a great way to learn about a blogger! Thanks for letting us get to know you!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Ah thank you for your kind words Cybare. And for checking out the post.

  9. Ontheothersideofdepression says:

    Number 8 ♡ … and number 10….♡♡ i feel like i know you now. Like we are great friends. Felt very genuine. But i dont beleive you didnt aid at least one of your sisters broken bones!!! Haha. What a great idea for a blog post. Thank you!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Ha ha ha. Thanks so much for checking out the post. Glad you enjoyed it.

  10. echoesofhervoice says:

    It is great to see a different type of post. Great answers and thanks for sharing!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thanks so much. Much love ❤️

  11. nikhila says:

    I love your answers.

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thanks Nikhila. Have an awesome week!

  12. Vladimir Covic says:

    Thanks for sharing, great answers. Although your answer #7 makes me a tad suspicious. 🙂

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      LoL Vladimir. I’m supposed to be the clutz of the family so it’s a miracle I haven’t broken any bones ?

  13. elviscosmos910 says:

    I would also take on invisibility as a super power.

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Ha ha ha that’s definitely a good one. Have a great day.

  14. Niki says:

    Your answers prove that we could easily be best friends ? Haha!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Ha ha ha, awesome Niki! Hope you have a great weekend girl!

  15. Arunas says:

    Interesting and lovely post. Nice to meet you.

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thank you Arunas. Nice to meet you too 🙂

  16. Sonja says:

    Great answers! Love this blog!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thank you so much Sonja 🙂

  17. Jenn @ Mama’s Hustle says:

    This was a fun post. Great to meet you 🙂

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Glad you enjoyed it Jenn. Nice to meet you too 🙂

  18. Karolinka’s beauty (@karolasbeauty) says:

    Great answers girl 😀

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thank you so much for checking out the article.

  19. Pauline.C says:

    First time on your blog and it already feels like I know you! Won’t mind doing one of these challenge some day 🙂

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Wicked Pauline. I hope you do one of these in the future. Looking forward to reading it.

  20. henajose says:

    Congratulations. Your answers were good to read.

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for checking it out.

  21. Miranda Knudtson says:

    Loved your answers! It’s fun getting to know other bloggers through things like these. I agree with you on #4: America is just too young of a country for the older architectural buildings that Europe has! Though I’ve only been to Iceland, I’d love to visit other European countries to see the beauty for myself up close!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thank you so much Miranda. I hope you get to go to Europe soon. It’s so well worth it.

  22. Shopaholic Adventures says:

    Really well written ?

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thank you 🙂

  23. sofieyah says:

    Oh love this!! it’s so sweet that you would buy your bf a new car with new money 🙂

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thank you. As much as I love to get something for myself I really do enjoy getting stuff for the one I love ❤️

  24. laceywishes says:

    I love this idea!! It’s so good that we get to find out a little about you!!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Yes, I love reading these type of posts as well. Love to learn about fellow bloggers 🙂

  25. Jenn says:

    I love the best advice you received! I learned a while back to do what makes you happy and the rest will fall in to place 🙂

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      I agree Jenn. You have to do what you like and follow your dreams. I actually even wrote a post all about my journey here!

  26. Selina Almodovar says:

    Very interesting!! Loved your answers!!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Glad you enjoyed it!

  27. Konstantinos Kotzias says:

    Liked the post. Nice to learn some things about you in such an interesting way.

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thank you Konstantinos! Glad you liked it.

  28. Brooke says:

    Great answers. Such a fun challenge to gain insight into other bloggers 🙂

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Absolutely I agree Brooke. Thanks for checking it out.

  29. Kirti Arora says:

    Great Answers 🙂 enjoyed reading your post!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Awesome 🙂

  30. Anna says:

    Love your photos on Instagram. What a funny post, good to learn some facts about you. Happy travels.

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thanks so much Anna!

  31. Globejamun says:

    Great reading this and knowing about you. Whenever I’m headed to Poland, gonna take a few tips from you. Agree on the power of invisibility and being able to go anywhere 🙂 cheers

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Absolutely. Check out my post about Poland when I publish it. There will be lots of tips of what to do and where to go!

  32. Mercy says:

    I’m still living life to the fullest and yup, I’d certainly want invisibility as a super power too. And that dodge challenger is soooo sexy!!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      That’s great to hear Mercy. And yes that car would be so sweet!!!

  33. jenruizwriter says:

    Unicorns would be my choice too, and I’d love to visit Poland! Congrats 🙂

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Wicked. I hope you do get a chance to go to Poland.

  34. Tahnee says:

    Great post! Also very caring gf you are and I love that!! Thanks for sharing

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Glad you enjoyed the article 🙂

  35. Lisa K says:

    I always loved unicorns as a child too. I had unicorn wallpaper, lol. One of my all time favorite movies is Legend, with Tom Cruise! It’s fun to learn about other bloggers, teach me how to cry on cue?? LoL

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Ha ha ha I used to watch Legend too. I love fantasy movies like this. Looks like we have the same taste!

  36. Chi Oyibo-Itie says:

    I love your answers, especially number 10. It really resonates with me. 🙂 Congratulations and well done.

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      That’s awesome. Thanks you so much.

  37. Alexandria says:

    This is great! Congrats & congrats to the other bloggers nominated!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thank you very much Alexandria 🙂

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