How To Make Awesome Polish Apple Fritters (Racuchy)

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The best recipe for Polish apple fritters you'll try today #racuchy #plackizjablkami #applefritters #Polishfood

Growing up in Poland my mom used to make lots of yummy Polish treats for us kids. I remember vividly when I first tried my mom’s amazing apple fritters (placki z jablkami). They were light, fluffy, crunchy, and literally melted in my mouth. That’s definitely one of my favorite memories as a child. Finally, as an adult and I decided to make my own batch. So today I will teach you how to make awesome Polish apple fritters (racuchy) with kefir.

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How To Make Awesome Polish Apple Fritters (Racuchy)

The best recipe for Polish apple fritters with kefir #racuchy #plackizjablkami #applefritters

The best recipe for easy Polish apple fritters with kefir #racuchy #plackizjablkami #applefritters #Polishdessert

This is one of the best and easiest recipes you will attempt, I promise you. The only thing you need to really keep in mind to make these is to make the batter slightly thicker. This way the fritters won’t fall apart as you fry them. Other than that, they’re really simple to make. Once you make them — be careful, you may fall in love with them ha, ha. I wouldn’t be too surprised if you did. They’re so good!

Polish Apple Fritters (Racuchy) Ingredients


Mix all the ingredients together with an electric mixer until smooth. You only need to do so for a minute or so. No need to overmix the batter. You just have to make sure there aren’t any big lumps. Add the peeled and sliced apples to the mix and fold in until covered with batter.

This is the batter for Polish apple fritters (racuchy)

Use a measuring cup to fry the fritters. I used a 1/4 cup measure and it worked out great for me. Fry the batter on one side. When you see nice color then you flip the fritter to the other side. You may need to flip the fritters a couple of times to get them to brown to your liking. Once all the batter is fried you’re done.

This is how you fry the Polish apple fritters

Frying Polish apple fritters

Now you can decorate your Polish apple fritters (racuchy) any way you like. I provided you with some options I like to use as toppings. For example, I always eat my fritters with icing sugar. That’s the way I always did so as a kid. These days I also add Hot Mama’s Cafe Mocha drizzler and some maple syrup. I also like to sprinkle the fritters with some chopped walnuts for that added crunch.

The best and yummiest Polish apple fritters #plackizjablkami #racuchy #applefritters

The best recipe for Polish apple fritters #racuchy #plackizjablkami #applefritters #Polishdessert

The most delicious Polish apple fritters recipe #racuchy #plackizjablkami #applefritters #applepancakes #Polishfood

Try making these delicious Polish apple fritters today #racuchy #plackizjablkami #applefritters #applepancakes #Polishdessert

Try making these delicious Polish apple fritters today #racuchy #plackizjablkami #applefritters #applepancakes #Polishdessert


I really do hope you enjoy this simple yet delicious Polish apple fritters (racuchy) recipe. You can choose to make it instead of your typical pancakes for Sunday brunch. I guarantee you and your family will definitely enjoy them.

Let me know how they turned out for you and what you thought of them. It’s always really important to me to know if my recipes resonate with my audience. And if you want to try more Polish sweet recipes check out my other favorites Faworki or Babka bunt cake. They also come from my childhood as my mom used to make Faworki and my grandma made the best Babka bunt cake.

Last but not least don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter so you get the latest recipes delivered straight to your email box. You’ll also be notified of our upcoming contests and giveaways.


  1. Kate Loving Shenk says:

    I will try these. They look delicious!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thank you so much. I think you’ll love it.

  2. Bhawna Shah says:

    This is something very new to me. I will sure try it for my son, he will love it.
    I need to ask one thing, as I am pure vegetarian so can I skip egg in this recipe?

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Hi Bhawna, I think you can skip the eggs in the recipe. I don’t see why it wouldn’t still turn out. Give it a try and let me know if it did work out for you.

  3. Stacy Boswell says:

    I have never heard of these but they sound delicious! Great way to use some of my apples, thanks for sharing!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Absolutely! This is the best recipe this time of the year as apples are in abundance everywhere 🍎

  4. Amrita says:

    The apple fritters are so delicious too look at.I have to try this recipe

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      I hope you do try it. Thanks for checking out the blog ❤️

  5. kidneyfornikki says:

    These look pretty tasty! Hey as an aside, some people substitue applesauce in the place of eggs for vegans. I don;t know if that works for the commenter above.

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Oh, that’s a great idea. I have heard of substituting that for eggs. I just couldn’t think of it. It might make the batter sweeter but it definitely should work. Thanks for the great tips for vegans.

  6. Angie Vallejo says:

    Oh my — those look delicious! I always find the best recipes when I’m trying to do Keto! For future reference, do you think Almond Flour would work?

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Oh, nice! I do think almond flour should work too. I got the gluten-free one because I need to go gluten-free for at least a few months. But otherwise I would have tried the almond flour as well.

  7. Katherine says:

    I’ve made theses, but instead of chopping the apple up like that, we would just slice the apple straight through and make them look like donut holes. I’ll have to try the kefir next time though. I think that could add a nice taste! Thanks for the share!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Awesome to hear you’ve made these. The donut ones sound good too. Thanks for checking out my recipe.

  8. Karin says:

    Yum! And they are perfect for fall. Thank you!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      You got that right 🍁

  9. kindkristine says:

    These look so yummy!. I’ve never tried a polish fritter before and these look like a great place for me to start! Thank you!

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      My absolute pleasure. I love sharing recipes I’ve loved since childhood.

  10. Sankhamala says:

    Your apple fritters are looking delicious…Will try it for sure.

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words.

  11. The Queensights says:

    This looks appetizing 🙂 Is it texture similar to pancakes? But it’s fried. Love this recipe x

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      I would say that the texture is a little bit softer than pancakes. They literally melt in your mouth.

  12. quirkymoms486 says:

    These look absolutely delicious!!! Thank you for sharing.

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      My absolute pleasure ❤️.

  13. rachelnsalcedo says:

    Oh my gosh these look amazing!!! I’m saving these to make for the weekend 🙂

    1. thesavvydreamer says:

      Aww, thanks. I really do hope you make these.

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